November - Pairing NASA Technology with a Creative STEM Engineering Challenge

Apollo 17 - Return Landing Many a youth has been asked the probing question "What would you like to be when you grow up?" Although there were many answers (i.e. Vet, Police, Fireman, Doctor...) one that always put a smile on my face was when a little called out ASTRONUT! Yes, even some of us adults still ponder what it would be like to have climbed NASA's stairs to the capsule, entered the control module, and waited to hear the countdown for takeoff and a chance to see the stars, moon, and earth from a completely new angle! Although very few of us have ever had (or will have) the opportunity to do a space walk, for a youth interested in STEM Careers, the space program (past and future) has created numerous avenues for creative and innovative career pathways that are STEM approved and still give space seekers a chance to 'Shoot for the Stars" with their career pathway. History of the Command Module Parachutes! Parachutes were first imagined in the 14th century....