PBL Presentations Oct 30, Nov 6


Oak Grove 2nd and 5th grades present their results!

Presentation time has arrived! Over the fall semester, Oak Grove Elementary has partnered with CSU Extension STEM/K-12 to provide learning materials and lessons to help students with their Problem Based Learning (PBL's) projects and final presentations.

Soil Site Jar

2nd grade was charged with learning about soils around their schools and how soils might affect the water quality of Spring Creek?

5th grade had the exciting opportunity to study the creek itself to determine the overall water quality.

Soil Layers

October 30th was 2nd grade presentations and man oh man they delivered! Groups brought in soil sample jars from three locations around their school and explained the different soil layers and differences of the three mixes. Some groups also brought in a home made grass filter to demonstrate how soil can help filter water. All this helped to explain how soil around the school and creek accepts, filters, and releases water back into the watershed.

2nd grade did an amazing job at presenting!

Today 5th grade got the chance to present! 5th grade did their presentations through slides and their shows really demonstrated their ability to use technology. They presented quick introductions about what they were studying, moved into the different activities and experiments they completed, and showed that, in their opinions, the water quality of Spring Creek is fair to good.

Actual Spring Creek Ducky Experiments
I have to say, 5th grade knew their materials and wowed the panel! They not only could compare and connect the science, but they worked well in their teams, worked through problems, and came together to look good and present very formally.

Overall, it was a pleasure to work with these grade levels this year and I look forward to continuing the science in the future! 


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