Where Did Summer Go? - Aug 3rd

That's a question a lot of kids are asking themselves today. Me? I'm realizing that I haven't updated this blog in over 2 months (or more....)!?!? Oops...

This week, many of the schools are releasing their "Back to School" plans for fall 2020. For many parents, the decision of how to safely return our kids to schooling is a bit, overwhelming? Do we send our children back into the classroom, with the additions of social distancing, increased health checks, mask attire, etc... OR do we accept responsibility for them to be educated at home, in a safe and controlled environment? Many families may not feel like they have an option.

It's a little un-nerving, and stressful. But be encouraged parents! I have spoken to many of our teachers and school staff out there. They are very concerned about the health and safety of every student and I believe they have worked hard to bring together the educational opportunities available to students this next year.

Their excitement to be back teaching youth is encouraging and they are doing everything possible to make this transitional education work!

How about a HOORAH for Teachers?!?!

In the mean time, I wanted to share a fun STEM activity from one of our take home kits we did this summer...Catapults!

Spoon Catapults!


  • 6 Craft Popsicle Sticks (bigger are better!) 
  • 10 Rubber Bands
  • 1 Plastic Spoon
  • Cotton Balls
  • Marshmallows
  • Any other NON -Injury inducing ammo...

Step 1: Prep the Base ~ Put 4 craft sticks together, and rubber band them at both ends, wrapping the rubber bands until tight. You can add more or take some away later to test different build designs.

Step 2: Attach the Flinger ~ Take your two remaining craft sticks, and rubber band them at one end. Wedge the base in the middle so they splay apart. You can change the lever length of your catapult by moving your base to different positions. This is great for learning about leverage.

Step 3: Secure in Place ~ Use two rubber bands to make an "X" around the entire flinger and base. Leave it loose enough so that you can change the lever length when you want to.

Step 4: Attach the Spoon and Launch! ~ Use one rubber band to attach the spoon at the top of the craft stick. Attach the bottom of the spoon using the X already made to connect the base and flinger.

Additional Information ~ Experiment launching different items. What do you notice? Feel free to redesign your catapult and experiment with different designs. HAVE FUN!

Hint! ~ My kids decided to have a contest to see who was more accurate with their catapult. They drew a big target on a cardboard box and shot from varying distances (3ft, 6ft, and 9ft). Warning! What started as a friendly contest turned into a full blown marshmallow war in the living room, and it was a ton of FUN!

Parents, take a breath, let it out, and sit down and have some fun with the kiddos! The world is going to keep on spinning and we will get through this together. But never forget to take time with those you love most! Now catapult up and go grab your marshmallow ammo! Keep on STEMing!


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