Dec 28th ~ New Year, New STEM Kit


Have you ever watched CSI (Crime Scene Investigation)?  It was (is?) a fictional crime drama that invited viewers to follow the process behind crime scene investigations, evidence collection, lab analysis, and eventually apprehending the bad guys! 

Another similar program, yet often more realistic as to timelines, is Forensic Files.  Unlike the fictional TV show, Forensic Files shared true case files and the real people who had a hand in solving them.  Where as the TV drama makes it look like evidence review and lab results lead to closed cases every few days, the real investigators make it very clear to audiences that in reality, it can take weeks, months, and even years for evidence to lead them to the crime perpetrator, if ever...

Either way you like to watch your crime TV, both shows are exciting as they share the secrets behind solving the mystery!  Both use real life terms, evidence collection methods, lab techniques and machinery, and good old detective work.  Watching them often creates a curiosity into what it might be like to be a CSI technician, and that's what got us thinking!?!?

This fall, the TRA STEM team decided to pull resources together to create a STEM kit that would allow kids to explore the world of forensic sciences!  Our goal was to let kids (and adults!) get their hands dirty practicing some of the same evidence collection techniques that are done by real detectives!  

For this kit, we focused on 5 areas of investigation analysis:

  • DNA Extraction
  • Fingerprint Collection and Analysis
  • Blood Typing
  • Anthropology 
  • Fiber Analysis
We don't want to give all the secrets away, but here's a quick peek into what each activity entails!

DNA Extraction
DNA Extraction: Youth learn about DNA and how its built and use (nontoxic) chemicals to make their own DNA visible to the naked eye!  Can you use these skills to extract DNA from other organisms? 

Fingerprint Collection and Analysis: Fingerprints are unique to each of us!  Learn how they develop and practice collecting good prints and identifying special markers to solve who's print is it!

Stain Analysis

Blood Typing:  There are 8 different types of blood that a person can be born with!  Before DNA typing was discovered, investigators often relied on blood typing to reduce their pool of suspects.  This testing can also reveal whether evidence collected is truly blood...or just a wine stain on the shirt collar.  Can you discover the guilty suspect based on blood type?

Who is this?
Anthropology: Big word for study of the human body.  In this activity, youth learn about how the human body develops proportionally and how slight differences between people groups can help to identify both race and gender when all we have for evidence is the bones!  

Fiber Analysis: Fibers and hairs can be found everywhere, on almost any surface, and are a huge help to investigators when working crime scenes!  Youth work through slide examples to identify different mammals and fiber types, then test their abilities via the mystery slides. 

This kit is a ton of fun (I played with it for hours!) and it has officially joined our STEM Kit Loan Out arsenal!  

As a reminder, STEM kits are available for loan out in Mesa, Delta, Montrose and Ouray counties (Colorado) for little to no cost!  Kits are delivered to your county CSU Extension Office and can be checked out for a max of 4wks!  Kits are available to anyone!  To reserve your kit, please use this google form!  A full listing of available kits can be found HERE!

Forensic Science is a super cool way to explore hand on science principles and might even lead your kids to discovering an exciting career path!  For more info on STEM Kits, email me at

Until next time, Keep on STEMin! 


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